
Our community is facing an unprecedented threat. COVID-19 is threatening not only our physical health, but the health of our economy, our healthcare system, our education system, our infrastructure, and more, while testing our government’s ability to equitably and respectfully provide for its residents. Our federal and state governments’ slow and tepid response to this crisis has provided little to no relief to the people and small businesses who need it most.

Bold leadership to support our communities is needed now more than ever. The COVID-19 crisis has exposed and exacerbated structural injustices in our society, and I am committed to fighting for policies that protect the health and safety of working people and our communities, during this crisis and at all times.

In order for our community to best survive this crisis, the State House must provide:

  • Free, accessible COVID-19 testing and healthcare - 

  • Cash assistance

  • A moratorium on evictions

  • A moratorium on utility payments (including water, electricity, heating, and internet) - 

  • Freeze on rent and mortgage payments 

  • Postponed student loan payments

  • Immediate decarceration of prisons and immigrant detention centers

  • Certainty on waiving MCAS as a high school graduation requirement

See our videos for information on what actions the State House is (and isn’t) taking on each of these policies.

The leaders and organizations that fight for our community give us hope and are responsible for many of the mutual aid resources listed here. This list of resources for Somerville has been compiled as a resource for those seeking help, and for those able to help others during this trying time. Included are resources for those seeking financial assistance, for parents needing childcare or maintaining their child’s education at home, for teachers and organizers, and collective care including access to food and other goods, links to extended deadlines for applying for healthcare, and resources for policy surrounding COVID.

The city of Somerville has compiled resources and educational information on COVID-19 here. To receive  alerts from the city of Somerville, sign up at this link.  

The state of Massachusetts has also compiled resources and educational information, and has set up a text alert system to keep residents up to date on the actions of the government here.

As a strong, compassionate community, I believe that we can use this crisis to better our government and to demand the changes we need to strengthen our city, state, and country. We must champion the health, safety, and welfare of all, not just the powerful and wealthy. I am committed to fight for everyone to be treated with dignity and respect.

In solidarity,
